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Train your employees to help prevent phishing attacks. | Train. Test. Report.

Mitigate Ransomware

Phishing training for employees helps significantly mitigate again ransomware and data breaches. Regardless of the size of your business, you will reduce losses by training your staff.

Save Time

Our employee email phishing training is fast. The covered material is user-friendly, not overwhelming, and exactly what your employees need to know and will be tested on.

Human Firewall

Once your employees pass the phishing test, you will have a human firewall that will give you peace of mind security.

What’s Phishing?
Phishing is the the act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be someone else such as a legitimate business in an attempt to scam the user into giving private information that will be used for identity theft.

A phishing email will usually direct the user to visit a website and update their personal information, such as password, credit card, social security, or bank information that the legitimate business already has. The website from the email phish is bogus and will capture and steal any information the user enters on the page.

Phish Training for Employees
Phish Training for Employees
Employees are your BIGGEST Vulnerability.
Not only are phishing attacks one of the most popular cyber attacks, they’re also incredibly easy to do! To make matters worse, phishing attacks are becoming more sophisticated than ever before. At first glance an employee may think an email is legitimate, however with a few more items closely inspected, it becomes clear the email is actually a phishing email. The only problem…your employee replied to the malicious email and sent back sensitive information.
Train your employees to become a human firewall
Cyber criminals are hoping to trick your employees into opening a carefully crafted phishing email. It’s true! Cyber criminals know human error is all it takes to gain access to your valuable data. Your employees sitting behind computers are your first line of defense against cyber criminals sending phishing emails. Do they have what it takes to outsmart cyber criminals?


Phish Training for Employees

Why you should choose Phish Training:

Professional phishing training for employees that’s cost effective and easy to use! Your employees will love our simple and easy phishing training. You won’t have to download anything, zero software to install; never navigate through a complicated interface! This platform for email phishing training is all on one page. You get a no-nonsense slideshow (go at your own pace) followed by a quiz below. It gets even better, the quiz is multiple choice!


Employees Trained

Fortune 500 companies helped

Referrals from happy customers


Reduction in susceptibility to phishing emails

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